Since I was little, people have always told me things without me questioning them. My children say it's because I look people in the face and smile which opens the door for everyone to come on in to my space and begin talking. I love hearing what folks have to say!
Today, a man who can completely block all light from entering my office doorway just by planting himself in the entry stopped in to tell me about his morning. He grabbed my hand and said, "See the size of your diamond? Well, I passed a kidney stone the same size this morning. And, the second one was a third of an inch long and thinner."
An octogenarian friend of mine told me she sleeps naked and never gets cold because she has a down comforter. Plus, her husband loves it!
Tonight, I was chatting with Neighbor Terry after our walk. Riley Dog was waiting patiently on his leash as we flapped jaws. As we turned to head home, Neighbor Terry said, "I think Riley just peed on my foot." Droplets did adorn the sidewalk where her foot had just been standing. Riley Dog, it is NOT nice to pee on your friends!
Now, I'm off to see what my friends at GLEE have to say!
23 hours ago