Chickens in the Basement

I love to write and I love to laugh. When I write, I get to the point quick. My stories would fit on the back of a postcard. They usually make me chuckle. And you know what they say, "It's all about me!"

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Diet Coke Rules!

The title of this article can be read in two different ways. Unfortunately, it is NOT "Diet Coke Rules! Woo-hoo!" but "Diet Coke rules...1., 2., etc."

First, confessions. I LOVE Diet Coke. It is my only internal vice. I don't drink beer or wine very often. I quit smoking in 1990. Drugs would just slow me down. An occasional trip to Starbucks is a special treat, but not an obsession. Diet Coke, however, is my obsession. I buy 10 cases at a time when I find them on sale. I planned to walk to the One Stop in the snow for Diet Coke if I ran out before the snow melted. I wipe out a 12 pack every two days. This does not include the Diet Cokes purchased in drive thrus or gas stations. I never get in the car without grabbing a can out of the fridge in the garage.

Okay, it is official. I am addicted. It is not my intention to quit drinking Diet Coke. Lord knows I don't want to be solely responsible for the drop in Coca-Cola stock. I do plan to reduce my intake of Diet Coke. There is no medical reason for doing this, only my thinking that 'too much of one thing is not good.'

So, my plan? Before I am allowed to open a can, I have to drink two 8 ounce glasses of water. If I am just thirsty, this will quench my thirst. This amount of water will surely clean out my system. Since I tend to spend much of my day wondering where the closest restroom is, the additional intake of water shouldn't increase this need. At dinner, I will drink water. This should make my food taste better. And finally, NO Diet Coke after 6:00 pm. This should improve my sleep habits. I tend to wake up many times during the night (quite often to make sure my toilet is still where I left it!)

Hopefully, this plan will not make me grumpy over lack of caffeine. I can still have the drink that I love, but will have the benefit of getting in at least 8 glasses of water a day. I will save some money by not going through Diet Coke as fast as water through a sieve.

Once I hit the Publish Post button, I'm committed. Do you have advice or ideas to help me stick to this? It's only nice to share!

Note: Diet Coke photo came from their web-site and bathroom sign came from Google images. Thanks!


Jenny said...

The way you have described sounds perfect!! And cutting out the diet coke so helps with the sleep habits. Maybe switch some with caffeine free!!

Anonymous said...


People think that 8 glasses of water a day is healthy but it is not. The total of your water sould add up to 8 glasses a day but that water is also found in your coffee,fruit,candy bar and that fried ham sandwich. Everything has some water in it and that should be added as part of your 8 glasses of water. You run the risk of flushing out too many things your body NEEDS like salt and such...good idea but be careful.
P.S. I used to drink at least a case a day of Diet Coke...there are health risk invoved with that product and the reason I do not drink it anymore....VIVA ROOTBEER!

Anonymous said...


People think that 8 glasses of water a day is healthy but it is not. The total of your water sould add up to 8 glasses a day but that water is also found in your coffee,fruit,candy bar and that fried ham sandwich. Everything has some water in it and that should be added as part of your 8 glasses of water. You run the risk of flushing out too many things your body NEEDS like salt and such...good idea but be careful.
P.S. I used to drink at least a case a day of Diet Coke...there are health risk invoved with that product and the reason I do not drink it anymore....VIVA ROOTBEER!