Chickens in the Basement

I love to write and I love to laugh. When I write, I get to the point quick. My stories would fit on the back of a postcard. They usually make me chuckle. And you know what they say, "It's all about me!"

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Sailor's Delight

On the way home from work today, Tony crossed the bridge over Falls Lake like he does every day! But today, he had to stop! He parked his car, walked back to the bridge and took these photos...

Can you believe the color in these photos?

The reflection on the lake doubles the beauty!

The purple in the sky as the sun fades further into the west.

And in the morning, it will just be Falls Lake again!

When I see beauty like this, I am reminded that life is bigger than just me! You have to release your worries and hurries and just appreciate what is in front of you! We are surrounded by beauty, all we have to do is look! Before Tony left the bridge, another photographer had joined him! I hope his wife loves his photos as much as I do.

Remember the nursery rhyme you learned in kindergarten while studying weather?

Red sky at night,
Sailor's delight;
Red sky at morning,
Sailor's warning.

The sailors on Falls Lake must be thrilled!


Michelle said...

gorgeous photos!

jamie@midcenturymania said...

Delightful indeed. I love catching moments like that. Thanks for posting these beautiful pictures, and you are right, we really need to slow down and take in all the lovely moments in time.

Vintage Christine said...

My dad (who actually was a sailor) taught us that rhyme and it's amazing how true it is! Sunsets like that always make me feel so close to God and so thankful for such beauty. You and yours have a wonderful and blessed Thanksgiving!!!

Anne Lorys said...

I just discovered you via Jana's blog, so nice to meet you!
Wow, those colors are just unreal, so gorgeous!
Hope you and yours had a very Happy Thanksgiving!
All the best,

Chicken Boys said...

I cannot believe you used that rhyme. I was noticing that same sky in Greenville the other evening, thinking of the same rhyme! I was gonna post of it, but you beat me to it! The lake is beautiful, though. Great pics.

LemonyRenee' said...

That's just lovely. I have fond memories of learning that rhyme as my father rowed my brother and I in a boat back to shore while we all marveled in the sunset splendor.

Please thank your husband for the lovely pictures. Happy Thanksgiving Weekend!

Fanboy Wife said...

Your photos are breathtaking!

Emily Cole said...

beau-teee-ful! I hope you guys had a great Thanksgiving!