Chickens in the Basement

I love to write and I love to laugh. When I write, I get to the point quick. My stories would fit on the back of a postcard. They usually make me chuckle. And you know what they say, "It's all about me!"

Monday, March 16, 2009

How Old Are You?

Today, I volunteered as a chaperone for my son's band field trip for their end-of-grade testing. We had to be at school at 7:00 which meant we were up at 5:45 to get there on time. I give you the timing details so you can understand my almost lapse in judgement.

The kids were on stage warming up. I took advantage of the free few minutes before we left and visited the girls bathroom. I locked the door and sat down. Written on the wall was this...

Marilyn Manson is Sexy!

I reached for my pocketbook to rummage for a pen then paused. How old are you? 43. When was the last time you wrote on the bathroom wall? Never. Why are you thinking about doing so now? I don't know. What would your son say if you got caught? Okay, okay! I put my pen away.

All I wanted to do was write underneath it...

for a creepy drag queen!

If you read this on a bathroom wall, I DIDN'T DO IT!

1 comment:

Jenny said...

hmmmmm!! Is it bad to say that I like some...NOT ALL, but some of his music???