I am currently working on an Etsy site with the hopes of getting rid of (ooops! I mean selling) some of the junk (ooops again! I mean treasures) cluttered (Dang it! I mean lovingly stored) in my basement. One thing Etsy recommended was to google your name to see what pops up. I typed in "CHICKENS IN THE BASEMENT". My blog site came up first (YEAAHH!) but was followed by some rather disturbing sites of chickens literally living in basements. Now, I feel as though I need to explain my name and let everyone know that no chickens are or were harmed in the pursuit of my stories for CHICKENS IN THE BASEMENT!
When I first started blogging, I was the proud new mother by default of a cute baby chick. He was shunned by the big chickens in the hen house. The little guy, soon to be named Skippy, lived in our house in a bird cage until he was big enough to move into the hen house and fend for himself. By then, Skippy had imprinted on me and loved to follow me around. (He still does!)
My basement workshop has a door that opens into my backyard. Whenever I was working in the basement, I would leave the door open and Skippy would roam in and out. He would check on my progress, grab a snuggle and a snack, then head back to the yard for worms, bugs and other chickens.
Back to blogging, I wanted a fun name that told a little about me. Bats in the Belfry would have been appropriate for my often dingBATTY behavior, but since I love my chickens and they really do hang out with me in the basement, I decided on Chickens in the Basement.
I'll do anything to avoid working on my Etsy site, it seems. Now that I have all of this off my chest, I have no more excuses! Again, no chickens will ever be harmed in my basement; however, there is no guarantee they won't be embarrassed!
Poonie says he'd sure love it if Skippy would come visit him in Mississippi. "He looks so tasty, er, I mean **HANDSOME**!"
Gosh Anna - llamas, chickens, sheep...........what next? I thought I was busy with wild kitties, foxes, raccoons and squirrels...........hey, let's open a zoo!!!!
Today I had a lovely visit to Logan's Garden Center with sweet Mary Ann McGann. We had lunch there, bought a few plants, and then she came by the cottage for a cuppa. Brought me the prettiest bunch of flowers from her garden - lucky me.
Anyway she misses you and I gave her your blog link - hope she'll leave you a comment soon. By the way, Mary Ann has visiting bobcats (and of course deer), she could join us at the ZOO!!!
Hugs - Mary.
P.S. Good luck with your Etsy shop - let me know when it's open - I'd like to check it out.
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